Functional Thoughts in Java Programming - Lifting the Exceptions

Lambdas in Java 8 is a nice feature and lets the developers write code in a concise and elegant way. It lets one think about the structure of a program functionally. I am writing series of posts that explore functional paradigms that one can apply while writing code in Java. This is first of those posts and I hope to end up writing a lot of them.

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Anatomy of a tail recursive function

This is my first blog about programming and it is more of an effort to publish my thoughts and realisations which I can refer to, later on. It’s been more than a year since I started exploring functional programming. I have to admit that this has been an absolutely fantastic journey where I realised the effectiveness of compositions, higher order functions, the value immutability adds to the code maintenance, importance of writing pure code (no side-effects). While I have been learning scala and dabbled a bit in Haskell, I am trying to solve more and more algorithmic problems in a pure functional, side-effect free fashion.

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